Privacy Policy
How your personal information is used:
Mesh Factory only collects personal information when the customer
establishes an account within our online shopping cart. This information
may include the customer's name, address, email address, phone number,
FAX number, and IP address. This information is not, and will never be
rented, sold or traded to any third party for any reason. Also, our
customer database is accessed through secure, encrypted connections
only. Upon request, personal information may, be made available to law
enforcement agencies and bank representatives when fraud or other
illegal activities with regard to purchasing from our website is
suspected and/or being investigated.
Use of cookies:
Factory only uses online "cookies" as part of our standard shopping
cart functions within our Online 3D Model Catalog. These cookies DO NOT
track your activities online, but instead, simply allows our shopping
cart software to keep track of the items you have selected for
purchasing while you are browsing our catalog.
SPAM policy:
Mesh Factory does not send out unsolicited email of any kind. We respect
our website visitors' privacy and do not wish to clutter anyone's email
inbox with advertisements of any kind. We feel the only legitimate
reason for any company to send out mass email advertisements is when the
product that is being advertised is of such poor quality, that it
cannot be marketed any other way successfully. We feel that this
definitely does not describe Mesh Factory products.